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The 4 Top Benefits of Simulations Training

How can managers combine coaching and learning methods to bring out the best in their employees? Read more.

There are so many coaching methods that are proven to be successful in producing better learning.
The real challenge is knowing how to combine these methods together for creating the most effective learning practice, one that serves the organization and the employees and brings out the best results.

The most desirable learning process is one that is constantly optimizing, keeping a good proportion between the time spent and the knowledge accomplished. Many learning tools can help us achieve this goal, and new tools come up every day. Which of them is indeed practical and useful? Today we will explore a classic one, a tool that is becoming a substantial part in modern work environments.


This method includes simulating a certain scenario, in order to practice different actions and responses that are required in a similar situation in real life. Taking theory into real life, the learner has to apply by himself the knowledge he has about the situation and turn it into real time actions. Therefore, this process is highly effective for knowledge retention. Simulations are a proven tool to improve learning and also create a positive environment that encourages experimentation and accepts mistakes, a very important thing in the context of learning.
Simulations are usually paired with other learning practices and methods like microlearning, quizzes, coaching sessions, in class-training and more.

We chose to discuss our top four out of simulation’s many benefits:

1. Authentic

While reading carefully the protocols and rules is also important practice, it is different than experiencing it in real life. The best way to practice real life genuine situations during training is simulations. They give the learner a chance to practice real-time responses and they are the closest thing to reality. Through simulations we can accurately illustrate real events, it’s a faster and cheaper effective way to improve the leaner’s skills and competences.

2. Repetitive

Reaching high quality learning and valuable results require the learner some repeating of the content learned. But if we want to reach a deep and profound educating, handing out the same questions or reading the exact same content is not going to work. Simulations can help us with that. By using simulations, we can create repeated content while engaging the learner in an interesting way that doesn’t feel boring and monotonous. Take for example a company who uses simulations for a new software adoption. A good simulation can start with informing employees about the software, then quizzing and questioning them about it, and at last asking them to participate in a simulation of the software’s usage. This layered toolbox builds rich learning and boost the chances for high knowledge retention.

3. Personalized & Diverse

Simulations provide different scenarios that are branching out depending on each employees personal answers and performance. Whether the employee is learning about a new product, practicing new procedures or exercising an interaction with a client, it is critical that his different approach and level of knowledge would lead to a different outcome. That would help him learn from his mistakes, evaluate his performance and compare it to previous ones, and reach a wider and deeper learning. An employee who’s strong in the technical part of the product will be introduced with a different set of training than an employee who’s strong on the customer retention side but weak on the tech details. Each of them has different needs and using the simulation, the learning system will customize the training that they most need and make it personally fit for them.

4. Technological

Today we have new technologies that help us integrate the simulation technique into our learning systems efficiently. Advanced technologies enable us to provide web-based simulations that personalize the employee’s journey of learning, and is also mobile friendly. Finally, we can have quick and detailed results about the progression of every employee, and use that information for tracking and optimizing the learning content, practice and environment.

Contrary to what you may have thought, simulations can be easily added into your LMS system, without any hard work or burden to the managers. Today’s current available tools, like the simulations used with Centrical’s  engagement platform, are simple to create and handle, for both employees and for the management level.

Additionally, Centrical offers AI-powered, automated coaching insights for managers, helping them prioritize who to coach, ensuring that those who are most in need of these coaching sessions are first in line.

Learn more about how we can help your organization  by visiting our website and reading our case studies. We also invite you to watch out platform in action with a quick preview, and to request your personalized overview today!

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