Your Checklist for Preventing First-Day Ghosting

The time between a new hire’s offer and their first day is a low-engagement “danger zone” that makes it easy for new hires to quit before they start. But first-day ghosting is largely preventable. Below are eight opportunities to engage with your new hires to increase the chances they will show up for their first day. 


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8 Ways to Engage Your New Hire 

1. A welcome message: In addition to a warm welcome, include confirmation of the start date and role, where to report (or log in), and any additional first-day info.  

2. Introduction: Why wait for their first day? Have the new hire’s supervisor and teammates send a quick video intro – and encourage the new hire to do the same! 

3. IT Details: Send the new hire’s email address and any approved access credentials/passwords. This saves time on day one, and makes the job seem more “real.” 

4. Orientation materials and modules: Pre-boarding is a great time for the new hire to get acquainted with the company’s mission and policies and get their HR paperwork out of the way. 

5. Pre-training microlearning: Provide a deeper look at your company by sending modules with company history, customer stories, tips for success, and other quick modules followed by a quiz.  

6. Success stories: Today’s frontline agent is looking for more than a job. Share stories of employees who have progressed and built their careers with your organization.  

7. A virtual office tour: Whether the new hire is remote or in-person, a virtual tour of the office is both a welcoming gesture and a good way to generate excitement for the new role. 

8. Gamify the experience: By awarding redeemable points for completing paperwork and modules, you will keep your new hires engaged and give them something to look forward to on day one.  

Download The Preboarding Bundle!

For more tips on fighting first-day ghosting, fill out the form below to get access to our Preboarding bundle that includes our on-demand webinar, this checklist , and our preboarding cheatsheet all in one.

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