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Fun Ways to Motivate Employees

One indisputable fact about motivated employees is that they’re more productive, enjoy what they do, and are determined to accomplish their targets. Some fun ways to motivate employees include recognition and rewards for hard work, incentives and bonuses, creative and fun workspaces, wellness programs, and gamification.

These tactics can be effectively adopted to motivate frontline employees, especially call center agents, sales representatives, and others who are the face of your brand.


How to Keep Employees Motivated in an Enjoyable Way

Brands are incorporating creative methods into their employee coaching and training to make learning more enjoyable and engaging. Strategies include:


There is a new trend in business that enhances motivation with gamification. Previously, companies bombarded employees with boring paperwork and online tutorials, which proved to be ineffective. Today, you can provide workers with interesting gaming elements that encourage them to look forward to learning.

Gamification supports proven learning methods and promotes teamwork, as well as an adaptive workplace culture. 

Recognition and Rewards

This strategy involves highlighting employees who perform well and consistently meet their targets. You can show your appreciation in several fun ways like giving them an Employee of the Month/Year award, shout-outs, or through a peer recognition program.

You can also award them with special parking spaces, certificates of exemplary performance, or bonuses. A peer recognition program encourages colleagues to recognize each other’s achievements and efforts.


Take your employees for outings or host an onsite event where they can play and have fun as a team. For instance, they can engage in team-building activities like bowling, water games, theme park activities, escape rooms, etc.

You can also hold off-site workshops where workers can have fun while receiving training from corporate coaches.

Wellness Programs

Set aside enough time for your employees to take care of their minds and bodies, and sponsor fitness challenges. A fitness and wellness center at the workplace is also a perfect way to motivate your employees. They can relax and unwind after a long day at work, or work out in the morning to jump-start their day.

The mental health of your employees is also very critical. Establish mental health days when employees can take a day off without using their paid time off.  

Creative Workspaces

Avoid the traditional office setups where workspaces are surrounded by thick brick walls and wooden doors. Congested workspaces are boring and can easily demoralize workers.

If possible, upgrade your offices by replacing walls with transparent glass and open spaces where workers can enjoy natural lighting and fresh air. Make your workplace a relaxing and enjoyable space where everyone feels comfortable.

Provide snacks and games during breaks. Allow employees to personalize their workstations without going overboard.

Incentives and Bonuses

Motivate your workers with performance bonuses when they achieve specific targets. You can also share profits through end-of-year bonuses and allowances.


In Conclusion

Incorporating motivational strategies into your company’s culture will result in a more engaged and productive workforce. For example, for a company to be successful, it needs to motivate sales employees because they generate the revenues that fuel the company. 

However, the sales process is hard and it’s easy for employees to feel disheartened if they’re having trouble getting leads or converting them into sales. Sales games to motivate employees could turn this around.

Centrical is a best-in-class platform that empowers frontline agents and team alignment, engagement, and performance optimization through artificial intelligence and gamification. We are a trusted partner that guides and inspires the success and growth of employees through performance management, coaching, quality management, and personalized microlearning!

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