“Build it and they will come?” Does that work for enterprise gamification?
That doesn’t work; if you build an enterprise gamification project and you don’t communicate it, they may not come… unless you’re about to distribute free ice cream. Communication is needed. When you launch an enterprise gamification project, you have to create credible and repeated communications with employees.
That isn’t bad news. You should always consider your enterprise gamification projects as an opportunity to communicate with employees about your organization’s goals, rules of conduct, expectations, best practices and knowledge base. This communication is both informative (make sure everyone plays according to the same rules) but it is also habit forming (always enter data into the CRM once you’ve completed a call). If you’re lucky, it can even impact corporate culture.
Here’s what you can communicate:
Here are some key points about doing this right.
Here’s a handy acronym: ACT + E
Don’t forget the “E” – enhancement.
All your communications should enhance the game narrative by extending it beyond the enterprise application. Even when the gamification avatar or mini-app follows the employee throughout the workday, the game related communication should extend it through messaging, images and use of media.
Announcing an enterprise gamification project with fanfare, bells AND whistles isn’t enough.
By setting game rules, you are really communicating with employees about the behavior you expect from them. Game rules that seem intuitive to you – even obvious – since you know what the expectations of the organization are – may be completely counter-intuitive or plain unknown to your employees. Set the rules out. Make sure they can be understood.
Not doing so is risking people second-guessing your gamification goals and even arguing they are a cosmetic and non-integral addition glued on top of your enterprise apps.
Don’t just communicate game rules, as in constraints, requirements, awards etc. Make sure to invest your time in an eye opening tutorial to make sure the players understand the game, the interfaces, and how it interacts with the enterprise applications they are using.
One of the things we like to do at Centrical, is to create a launch video – like this one.
Narrative based gamification – using game narratives such as sports, song contests, city building and more – offers a lot of opportunity to create a fun and splashy video announcing the game. This certainly enhances the game experience.
Here’s an example of a launch video we ran. You can guess that the theme was car racing:
Hand in hand with the video, make sure to launch the game tutorial and make sure it is viewed and understood. Don’t launch before the game rules are clear.
We work in weeks – with the weekends in the middle.
Gamification projects therefore are typically measured on week-long intervals- in many fantasy sports and other narrative settings we recommend beginning anew each week, so that people feel they have an opportunity to do better. For all these reasons it follows that communication should be weekly.
Invest the time in creating a customized email newsletter to all game participants. Send it on a weekly basis.
The weekly newsletter extends the game experience beyond the gamified platform. It should include the following:
Social communications are important. Celebrate team wins, team improvement and team goals. Make sure to recognize people (through pat on the back games) for helping others, or for contributing knowledge or expertise. Let everyone know how their team mates are doing. Make sure to include social communication in the weekly newsletters/digests.
In a series of previous posts, we’ve communicated the power of the employee engagement funnel.
In short, the employee engagement funnel is about making employees aware of corporate goals and engaging them in learning and in getting others to align with corporate goals. The funnel is a step-by-step visual demonstration of how each employee goes through the process of engagement, beginning with awareness of corporate goals, going through training and learning of corporate practices or offerings and eventually leading other employees through the same path.
Communicating enterprise gamification projects is to take the first step in the funnel – make people aware that something exists and bring them along.
When using a fantasy sports or song contest theme, make sure to have the weekly event as celebratory as possible, calling people to join in. Celebrate winners on an individual or team basis.