A couple of months ago, I had a meeting with a prospective customer, advising them on how they can use a gamified performance and learning management platform to address their business needs and challenges. My manager participated in this meeting as well. A day after, I had the weekly one-on-one meeting with my manager, in which we discussed yesterday’s meeting. She provided me with her feedback on this meeting, highlighting the things she believes went well and the areas that I still need to improve in (and she was right…). She gave me some tips and guidelines to help me implement this. The effect of this feedback was immediate. On the next call I had with a customer, I paid attention to her points and did better.
No one questions the importance and effectiveness of immediate feedback that is provided continuously. At Gameffective, we place feedback at the core of our product. Our platform provides real-time personal feedback to employees on their performance and learning results. It also highlights to the employees how they can improve and what should be their next best action.
According to the 2017 Global Human Capital report by Deloitte, over the last five years, organizations have radically changed the way they measure, evaluate, and recognize employee performance. Today, continuous performance management practices are being deployed on a wide scale. Agile goal management, check-ins, and continuous feedback are becoming common, and new models of evaluation and rewards are being adopted next.
Gameffective’s new Conversations Module drives these feedback conversations. It enables a team leader, coach, instructor or mentor to provide smart personal feedback to employees in the moment of need and on a regular basis.
The benefits are clear:
A US consumer financial services company uses Gameffective’s Evaluation Module as part of their new hire in-class training. The trainees participate in a role-play simulation where they practice various aspects of customer service. This is being done twice during the training period. After each round, the trainees are asked to evaluate how well they did in the role play and the coach is doing the same – evaluating the trainee’s performance in the simulation. Both are doing it using a simple evaluation form which is part of the larger training game. By comparing the trainee and coach evaluations, the instructor can identify “blind spots” where the employee believes he’s doing better than he actually does and on the other hand, cases where the employee underestimates himself compared to the evaluation given by the coach. This kind of transparent trainee-coach-instructor dialog enables maximizing the effectiveness of the role-play simulation and ultimately shorten the time to proficiency. This is a great use case demonstrating the power of Gameffective Conversations.
Another example of the Conversation Module can be found in a call center quality assurance processes. The quality team, who listen to calls and review them on various quality parameters, can easily deliver their assessment and feedback on a regular basis. In a gamified platform, the evaluation rating can then be translated into points, badges and other rewards, making the process much more engaging.
The Conversations Module goes hand-by-hand with Gameffective’s Manager Console which offers a gamified team view for the manager, as well as tips and notifications to drive managers into celebrating the successes and addressing the needs of their team members.