Wellness. Can we even imagine what that meant when cigarettes were not considered a health risk?
Being productive. What did that mean when office work was performed with a pen and paper, and knowledge workers had libraries they referred to at work?
Technology doesn’t only change the way we communicate, maintain our social circles or retrieve information. It changes the way we understand ourselves. It creates new emotions, new pleasures and pains. It profoundly affects our innermost personal and work lives.
What is the next thing that will effect a similar change?
The way activity trackers benchmark our personal performance and communicate it to the world is one of those points where technology impacts our lives. Gamification – or at least gamification 2.0 (also known as performance gamification) – is a key part of this future.
The meteoric rise in popularity of wireless-enabled wearable products, such as those by Fitbit and Jawbone – activity and wellness trackers – has brought us with one of those points where technology impacts how we think of ourselves.
Initially, before wearables, the quantified self meant self-knowledge through self-tracking with technology. You were supposed to tell what the effect of the foods you consumed – or any other activity – had on your wellness. But as wearables have gone from unsophisticated pedometers to state-of-the-art insight-engines, the very concept of ‘health’ has been demystified and broken into activities such as eating, sleeping and moving, by quantifying each and every one of these activities.
Suddenly, tracking miles a person has run becomes a truly satisfying activity, a combination of achievement, control and even exhilaration. Data shows that Fitbit users take 43 percent more steps than non-Fitbit users. Jawbone users tracked over 150 million nights of sleep last year, making it the largest sleep study in the history of humankind.
Daniel Pink made an important point in his book “drive” – the “third drive” – intrinsic motivation, is the best and most consistent driver. Dan Ariely validated that too by showing that people work harder for intrinsic motivation than for extrinsic rewards, such as money or competition.
What activity trackers do is quantify intrinsic drive, benchmark our performance and drive us to do more. Instead of letting us guess how well we did or did not do, it shows us objective measurements, and these drive us to achieve more.
Every time you see someone post their run results on facebook you can see that activity trackers are also used to communicate achievement. By doing that, people are seeking the recognition of their efforts, but are also creating social proof that pulls more people into the activity tracker circle.
But is this new toolset – tracking performance for self-motivation – applicable at work? The answer is yes. Tracking performance is applicable, and some pioneers have begun adopting it, mainly through performance gamification. Here is why the concept is a powerful one, and how it marries well with gamification.
Until now, managers have been hampered in their ability to track work progress, convey powerful insights about employees and have a strong basis of facts about the work being done. Wearables can measure and track many aspects of health — from calories to steps, hours slept, minutes active, saturated fats — but what about measuring and quantifying work? Do you also think that gamification is a form of performance tracking to create intrinsic drive?