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Centrical Provides Real-Time Performance Data and Conversational AI with New Zoom Integration

Available on Zoom Marketplace today

 In part of our daily mission to provide the best-in-class technology and experiences for our customers, Centrical teams up with global leading brands, develops out-of-the-box integrations and embedded applications for the world’s most widely used enterprise platforms. 

As a global industry leader in workforce engagement management solutions, we are proud to announce our latest integration with Zoom, the proprietary videotelephony software program. Zoom, like Centrical’s mission is to connect the user experience from end to end. Together, we take connecting people, and processes, and employee experience to new heights. 

With Centrical for Zoom, we bring together real-time performance management, personalized microlearning, coaching, and gamification that will guide frontline employee success and growth. Users will be able to generate real time performance data and conversational AI from zoom meetings in real-time. 

Centrical For Zoom can help customers solve: 

  • Lack of visibility into customer calls 
  • Minimal insight into employee KPIs 
  • Manually updated reports 
  • Using multiple systems making it hard to manage information 

Centrical’s seamless integration with Zoom will provide: 

  • Call volume and duration 
  • Attendance percentage 
  • Level of patience based on response time 
  • Interactivity, how often did the conversation switch back and forth 
  • Question Rate 

The call data will integrate in real-time to the agent’s KPI dashboard that will then trigger coaching actions, personalized microlearning, and opportunities for peer and manager recognition. 

“Our seamless integration with Zoom gives customers the ability to manage their teams more effectively. Centrical for Zoom provides insights into performance of employees, identifies knowledge gaps and assigns personalized coaching activities in real-time, and helps converts calls into business data as an asset to meet business objectives.” – Doron Neumann, CTO, Centrical 

To get started with Centrical for Zoom visit us here on the Zoom Marketplace 

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