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BOOST Podcast: Yemi Penn

Yemi Penn dives into incorporating mindfulness into relationships with employees and the importance of sharing our stories.

The Starring Character: The Business Case for Compassion


As a leader, is it your responsibility to address an employee’s personal trauma?

Yemi Penn, TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, and author answers this and many other big questions in this episode. She dives into incorporating mindfulness into relationships with employees and the importance of sharing our stories.

While compassion isn’t something we’re always taught to practice at work, it’s a critical element of successful organizations. Yemi makes the business case for creating space to be human at work and explains the difference between accommodating others’ trauma and being responsible for it.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to become a trauma-informed leader
  • The difference between being responsible for trauma and accommodating trauma
  • The business case for creating space for compassion at work

On with the show!

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