30 Second AHT

The top operations leaders and CX experts take on the 30-Second AHT challenge!

Rob Dwyer takes on the first 30 Second AHT Challenge, but can the Next in Queue podcast host be succinct enough to beat the 30 second timer?

30-Second AHT - Nate Brown

Nate Brown takes on the 30 Second AHT Challenge, but can this full-of-life conversationalist share his pearls of wisdom in 30 seconds or less?


Sean McGinn tackles the 30 Second AHT Challenge head on, but is he “Agile” enough to answer 3 questions in 30 seconds or less?

Tim Buzza takes on the 30 Second AHT Challenge, but does this flexible work champion have the flexibility to answer it all in 30 seconds or less?

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