It’s your team leader who can make all the difference in turning a customer-centric strategy...
I’ve been involved in contact centers for nearly 25 years. Anyone who understands this business...
Scan the front page of your favorite newspaper, analog or digital form, and chances are...
According to the IWG Global Workforce Survey, half of all employees, globally, work away from...
I was part of a conversation with six customers the other day. It was far...
I was on a video conference call the other day. Like they always are, before...
You probably feel like me. The business you’re part of is all about excellence. In...
If you’ve managed to spend even a tiny bit of time scrolling through your news...
The fifth annual survey on Contact Centers’ Biggest Challenges and Top Priorities was recently issued...
As most of the world grapples with THE COVID-19 pandemic, it strikes me that a...
I was talking with a fellow startup CEO yesterday. Like me, he’s been working from...
You may remember from your childhood the tale of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” If...
The term “managing through disruption” typically refers to managers having the plan and skill to...
Well before novel coronavirus wreaked havoc, healthcare systems and their revenue cycle management (RCM) service...
In the midst of the Coronavirus public health crisis, thousands of frontline employees, the ones...
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